How to install OpenAI on Mac? Super easy installation guide for MAC users.
To install the OpenAI library on your Mac OS terminal, you will first need to make sure that you have Python and pip (the package installer for Python) installed on your computer. You can check if you have Python and pip installed by running the following commands in your terminal.
python --version
pip --version
If you do not have Python and pip installed, you can download them from the official Python website ( or install with brew
Copy code
brew install python3
Once you have Python and pip installed, you can use pip to install the OpenAI library by running the following command in your terminal:
Copy code
pip install openai
This will install the latest version of the OpenAI library on your computer. You can then use the library in your Python script by importing it.
pythonCopy code
import openai
Be sure to set your API key.
pythonCopy code
openai.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
Let me know if you have further questions on how to use the OpenAI library.
Reza Rezvani — Jan. 2023, Berlin